
Ten Image Professional – Basics Brush Kit with Brush Belt

Original price was: £335.00.Current price is: £270.00.

We have chosen the brushes in this Student Basics Brush Kit to ensure you have all the basics required for your course at Seventa Makeup Academy.

The set includes a bonus gift of a Brush Belt to carry and store the brushes.

1 in stock (can be backordered)



The professional artist’s secret. Makeup Brushes are the essential tools of a good Professional Makeup Artist. Ten Image Professional offers an extensive range to cover all of your needs.

We have chosen the brushes in this Student Basics Brush Kit to ensure you have all the basics required for your course at Seventa Makeup Academy.

The set includes a bonus gift of a Brush Belt to carry and store the brushes.

Contains Individual Brushes:

PB-02 Concealer Brush – £29

Use to apply concealer/corrector fluids/creams. Petit Gris (Squirrel) Natural Hair.

PB-03 Foundation Makeup Brush – £51

Use to extend the base fluids/creams quickly and with precision. Badgerlon synthetic fiber hair.

PB-06 Shadows Diaganol Brush – £23

Use for delineating and blurring the lines of the eye. To blend shadows and pencils. Toray optical fiber hair.

PB-16 Shadow Brush – £27

The round form allows one to leave the basin of the eye marked and blurred with a single pass. White goat natural hair.

PB-17 Shadow Brush – £32

Use to apply clear shadows to the eyelid, to blur and to mark points of light in the face with powder products. White goat natural hair.

PB-25 Lip Brush – £19

Use for the application of oil based products to the lips. It helps to work the outline, blurring, and form the lipstick. Toray optical fiber hair.

PB-29 Blusher/Bronzer Brush – £55

Use to define the cheekbone or to add colour without precsion. Pony natural hair.

PB-30 Blusher Brush – £34

Diagonal brush for cheeks, use for blusher/bronzer. White goat natural hair.

Brush Apron (Gift, valued at £65)

Please note: Brushes are also available individually here

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